Southeastern South Dakota Gospel Singing Convention

Make a joyful noise unto the Lord all ye lands.

Serve the Lord with gladness. Come before his presence with singing.

                    Psalms 100: 1

Singing Conventions on the Increase

 Singing Conventions have long been popular in the southern United States.  Old time gospel sings or "conventions" were traditionally held on Sunday afternoons and sometimes were all day affairs with dinner on the grounds.

   There is a renewed interest in singing conventions and many are starting up in areas north of the traditional old South.

   The Southeastern South Dakota Gospel Singing Convention provides an opportunity for everyone to come and join in singing the old time hymns and some super "Southern Gospel Quartet Style" songs.

come and join in the fun!




Who Are We?


 The Southeastern South Dakota Gospel Singing Convention is a nondenominational effort to preserve our heritage of singing old time hymns and gospel songs.  Our theme is taken from the title of one of the songs in our Convention Song Book,  Sing and Be Happy!  This is just what we endeavor to do.

     Sad to say, in many churches today the hymn books have been discarded and the hymns and gospel songs have been totally replaced with a new and modern format.

      We have been together as a group for over five years.   We try to meet quarterly, generally on the fifth Sunday of the month.   We come to sing in churches and community halls all across the southeastern part of our state, wherever we receive an invitation to come.


What Do we do?


      The Convention has its own set of song books with over a thousand standard hymns and Southern Gospel style songs.    An afternoon will be spent singing in four part harmony with everyone joining in the singing as members of the audience call out their favorite numbers.

      We have several accomplished pianists who follow us and accompany the singing for which we are most grateful.   Mr. Alan Ward of Viborg, South Dakota generally directs our singing  and he keeps the afternoon moving right along.

     If you would be interested in having us come to your church please contact Pastor Dan Flyger of Freeman, SD  the Convention Secretary.


Hits since 4-20-08:

Hit Counter


 Schedule:Please scroll down.

All singers are welcome!




Sunday, April 29, 2012

Due to street construction the Convention is moved from Scotland to the Germans from Russia Heritage Museum on north Main Street in

Kaylor, SD


Sunday, June 30, 2012:

Bethel Baptist Church

Main Street, Wakonda, SD


Sunday, August 12, 2012

Turner County Songfest

Heritage Park

Turner County Fairgrounds

Parker, SD

7 PM


Sept. 29, 2012

Olivet United Methodist Church

Olivet, SD


Where we have been:

We have had conventions in a number of places, some of them several times.  Thank you for opening your doors to allow us to fellowship together and enjoy old time gospel singing.

Assembly of God, Yankton

Bethel Mennonite, Freeman

Bethel Baptist, Wakonda

Christ Episcopal ,  Yankton

The Cornerstone, Freeman

Evangelical Mennonite Brethren, Marion

Fellowship Baptist , Scotland

First Baptist, Vermillion

First Baptist, Viborg

First Church of God, Marion

First Reformed , Chancellor

Heritage Park,Turner County Fairgrounds, Parker

Olivet EUB United Methodist, Olivet

Ramsey Baptist , Montrose

Riverview Reformed , Yankton

South Dakota State Fair, Huron

SoDak Stamm Heritage Museum,  Kaylor

St. Joseph's Catholic, Elk Point

U C C Church,  Beresford, SD

UCC Congregational, Centerville

United Methodist,  Beresford

United Methodist, Viborg

United Methodist, Wakonda

Vangen Lutheran, Mission Hill

Viborg Community Center, Viborg










For more information, contact: daniel.flyger@k12.sd.us